With AI’s ability to analyse data, predict user behaviour, and automate tasks, it is transforming the way websites are created.

In this article, we’ll explore 3 secrets to mastering AI in web design and how it can help you create a website more aesthetically and effectively.

1. Turn your dot points into site-ready text

When creating my website, I utilised AI to turn all my dot points for a section into chunks of text that were ready to be copied across into my site. Was that what i did? No, of course not. Even if AI is putting your information together, the most important part is that you read over it’s answer with a fine tooth comb and make the necessary changes to give it that special edge.

For example, when trying to write an “About Us” section, you can tell an AI chatbot:

  • All the points you wish to include
  • The tone you would like it to take (cheerful, professional, details of a target audience etc.)
  • The perspective it should be written from
  • Any character limits,

and it will spit back an answer that saves you hours of mind-blanks when you try writing it yourself.

2. Use AI to create a live chatbot

As a business owner, your time is limited to performing your most revenue-generating activities. Responding to the same 5 questions across your social media and emails is probably not the best use of that time. Instead, implement an AI chatbot (which start at around $20/month) to handle all of this for you!

An AI chatbot:

  • Handles all frequently-asked questions
  • Advises visitors of any opening hours, business closures etc.
  • Can be tailor-made to increase site conversions and act as a sales assistant
  • Assist visitors in site navigation
  • Is available 24/7

3. Re-write old and outdated text

Is your old website in need of some TLC? Sometimes, we don’t need to create a completely new website, we just need to optimise our current one, and save thousands of dollars in doing so. By inserting text from your site into an AI chatbot and telling it exactly who it should be optimised for, it will provide you with a new perspective of looking at that same-old text.

Prompt e.g., “I have a website in (niche). On our page titled (title), there is a section discussing (section title) with the text “section text”. Rewrite this text so that it is optimised for (target audience), and use a (tone) and (tone) tone.”

E.g., “I have a website for my digital marketing agency. On our page titled “About Us”, there is a section discussing our qualifications with the text “5+ years of work experience across a variety of industries covering grocery/luxury watches/pharmaceutical/event retail, as well as accounting/supply chain administration”. Rewrite this text so that is optimised for young adults and small business owners based in Australia who are looking for a social media manager, and use a professional and upbeat tone”

So basically, stop spending days trying to perfect each section of your website, and use AI to get you together with you end product ASAP.

Do you know any other tips and tricks? Comment them below!

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